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Strengthening Family Protective Factors - Concrete Support in Times of Need

This course will provide an overview of the Strengthening Families movement and the protective factors framework and ideas for how you can apply these concepts in your work. This training is designed to be used by anyone who works with children and families – in any field. We use a mix of examples from early care and education settings, child welfare settings, and family interactions.


. In the Protective Factors Framework, “concrete support in times of need” means that families have access to whatever they need to handle the challenges they face and to be successful. Depending on a family’s resources – financial as well as social and other types of resources – some may be able to access the support they need to weather a storm. Others may not. When families don’t have that access, you can help them get it – by providing support or helping them connect to those who can offer them what they need.

After participating in this course, you will be able to:

Give examples of how you can provide welcoming, non-threatening support to families.

•List several ways you can link to partners in the community to help families in need.

Identify the challenges and opportunities culture and tradition present as you try to help families.

•Recognize how lack of support, when under stress, can sometimes lead to child maltreatment.